Here are 100 ways you can help us make Serb Fest a Success!
1. Sign up to work at a booth
2. Pass out flyers to your friends, co-workers and neighbors
3. Donate cups, plates and/or utensils
4. Clean the playground
5. Donate food supplies
6. Set up basketball court
7. Assemble/stamp printed flyers
8. Bake burek with us
9. Replace the flags on the property
10. Use the blower to clean the parking lot
11. Powerwash the grounds
12. Hang banners around the property
13. Set up/tear down the tents
14. String the lights around the tents
15. Send publicity emails/texts
16. Make a grocery store run
17. Post Serb Fest ads on social media
18. Make a dessert for the bake sale
19. Donate tablecloths
20. Share photos from previous Serb Fests
21. Create a promotional video/TikTok
22. Set up the tables/chairs under the tents
23. Put the tablecloths on
24. Stock the bathroom supplies
25. Deep clean the kitchen
26. Set up the cables and power supplies
27. Prep the grills
28. Work the entrance booth
29. Help sort the tickets
30. Lend authentic Serbian artifacts for exhibit
31. Set up the food prep and serving stations
32. Donate gloves and hair nets
33. Charge the walkie-talkies
34. Ask you employer to donate
35. Post event in your company's newsletter
36. Set up signage
37. Donate beer
38. Donate hard liquor
39. Sponsor a tent
40. Find businesses to donate to raffle
41. Advertise our Serb Fest Fundraiser
42. Donate supplies for Serb Fest Fundraiser
43. Set up the stage for folklore performances
44. Bring bags of ice
45. Shop our Amazon Wish List
46. Donate plastic cups
46. Donate napkins
47. Set up the outdoor stage
48. Buy coffee supplies
49. Install the flags at entrance gates
50. Make a food supply run
51. Distribue flyers and sponsorship forms to local businesses
52. Donate juice boxes
53. Donate paper towels and napkins
54. Hang the banner flags
55. Buy paper plates
56. Set up inside hall
57. Clean folklore changing rooms
58. Print raffle tickets
59. Donate coffee bar supplies
60. Find one business sponsor
61. Buy the face-painting supplies
62. Volunteer to face-paint
63. Donate a pig
64. Donate a lamb
65. Buy the cevap meat
66. Order lepinje
67. Put up crowd control gates
68. Pre-sell raffle tickets
69. Sponsor for a hotel room for band
70. Sponsor the hotel for Dr. Pravica
71. Bring sodas
72. Alert the local media
73. Sponsor printing charges
74. Sponsor t-shirts with your logo on them
75. Trim the flowers/bushes around the property
76. Pull weeds
77. Spray paint the parking lanes
78. Hang menus
79. Print menus
80. Sweep up parking lot on Saturday night
81. Set up on Sunday morning
82. Pick up a neighbor to join you
83. Advertise at your school
84. Purchase to-go containers
85. Organize games for kids
86. Sell the meal and drink tickets​
87. Make lemonade for stand
88. Cover the cost of the event posters
89. Decorate church for tours
90. Find vendors (for booths) at local fairs
91. Make palacinke
92. Make the cole slaw salad
93. Make urnabes
94. Fry tulumbe
95. Portion out dessert trays
96. Make the ustipicici
97. Grill cevapi
98. Roast and cut the lambs and pigs
99. Donate tape and zip ties
100. Donate cash